CFAnews Update – February 28, 2022

Long-Serving CFA Director of Insurance Retires After serving 27-years with the Federation, J. Robert “Bob” Hunter, CFA’s Director of Insurance, retired earlier this month. Prior to joining CFA, Hunter created and ran the National Insurance Consumer Organization (NICO) for 13-years, had leading roles in both state and federal government, first as the U.S. Federal Insurance … Continued

Billionaire’s Twitter Comments on Telematics Show Consumer Interest Is Not a Priority for Him

Telematics programs, where auto insurance companies rely on in-car tracking devices to gather information about your driving habits and use that information to calculate premiums, hold promise but also dangers for consumers. Therefore, regulators need to implement safeguards and exercise adequate oversight to ensure that consumers aren’t exploited. A recent case aroused the ire of … Continued

CFAnews Update – January 28, 2022

Parents Warned About Leachco Infant Loungers Product safety advocates are urging consumers to immediately stop using several Leachco infant loungers following an announcement from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) about two infant deaths related to the products. “This is a product we’ve been urging the CPSC to address for years,” said Rachel Weintraub, … Continued

CFAnews Update – December 16, 2021

Acting Comptroller Hsu Calls for Overdraft Fee Reform at CFA’s Financial Services Conference At CFA’s 34th Annual Financial Services the Acting Comptroller of the Currency Michael Hsu explained how overdraft practices contribute to income and wealth inequality and outlined what banks can do to reform overdraft programs. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) released a … Continued

After Tort Reform Failure, Time for Real Insurance Reform

It’s no secret that auto insurance is expensive in Louisiana, to the point that it is very expensive for many families. The average auto insurance premium is $2,225 per year—56% more than the national average. And so far, auto insurance premiums have climbed 2% this year. Since Louisiana requires all drivers to have auto insurance, … Continued

CFAnews Update – November 30, 2021

Consumer Groups Urge FIO to Focus on Insurer’s Role in Addressing the Cost of Climate Change on Consumers CFA led several consumer and economic justice organizations in calling on the Federal Insurance Office (FIO) to take a leading role in addressing climate change and its impact on insurance costs for consumers and impacted communities, and … Continued

Washington, We Need Every Dollar of Housing Aid

Housing aid is threatened in Washington as the Build Back Better Act reconciliation package moves toward a vote. The original $327 billion housing portion is by far the largest and most needed investment in affordable housing in decades. This aid must be protected from deep reductions if we are to address California’s and the nation’s housing … Continued

CFAnews Update – October 22, 2021

CFPB Must Regulate Fee-Based Earned Wage Access Products CFA has joined 95 consumer, labor, civil rights, legal services, faith, community, and other financial organizations urging the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to reverse two actions regarding earned wage access (EWA) products that threaten to create dangerous loopholes in federal consumer protection and fair lending laws … Continued

What Information Do Auto Insurers Use in Telematics Programs to Calculate Your Rates? Consumer Reports Has the Answer

Since the 1990s, major auto insurers have established telematics programs, which use consumer-generated driving data to calculate auto insurance premiums. These companies use information gathered from plug-in devices and mobile apps to track a variety of information. While these programs show some promise for promoting safe driving and more accurately calculating rates, they also pose … Continued

CFAnews Update – September 29, 2021

Long-Standing CFA Director of Investor Protection Moves on to SEC Barbara Roper, CFA’s long-standing Director of Investor Protection, has left the Federation after 35-years of service for a critical position at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). “Barb Roper has likely been one of the most influential and effective protectors of the American investor … Continued

California Poised to Protect Genetic Privacy

California is poised to lead the way again on privacy protection if Governor Gavin Newsom signs SB 41, a bill that requires direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic testing companies to obtain consumers’ permission before disclosing their genetic data to third parties and limits the ways this sensitive information can be used without their consent. As Consumer Federation … Continued

CFAnews Update – August 9, 2021

Groups Outline Airline Consumer Protection Priorities for DOT Consumer organizations, including CFA, called on the Department of Transportation (DOT) to make airline consumer protection a priority in a July meeting with Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. At the meeting, the groups presented the Secretary with a list of airline consumer protection priorities. “The Department of Transportation … Continued

Is Financing that Big-Screen TV the Right Choice for Consumers?

One of the interesting issues that came up in our annual survey about complaints to state and local consumer agencies is the increasing availability of point-of-sale financing for items such as furniture and appliances. These credit arrangements, which are often offered by online financial service or “Fintech” companies in partnership with retailers, can be helpful … Continued

Giving Airline Consumer Protection Advocates a Fair Hearing (Finally!)

Earlier this week representatives of Consumer Federation of America, Consumer Action, Consumer Reports, the Business Travelers Coalition, Flyers Rights, the National Consumers League, TravelFairnessNow, and Travelers United met virtually with Pete Buttigieg, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). After the last four years in the wilderness, during which there was little action to … Continued

CFAnews Update – July 15, 2021

President Signs Bipartisan Repeal of Anti-Consumer “Fake Lender” Rule  On June 30, President Biden signed S.J. Res. 15 into law, repealing the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency’s (OCC’s) “fake lender” rule and delivering a major victory in the fight to end high-cost, predatory lending. The fake lender rule allowed lenders to evade state … Continued

Campaign Launched to Ban Facial Recognition in Stores

Consumer Federation of America has joined more than 35 consumer, privacy and civil rights groups in a campaign to ban the use of facial recognition technology in stores, restaurants and other retail establishments. As the website created by campaign coordinator Fight for the Future explains, facial recognition can be used unfairly – and in some … Continued

Celebrate Freedom This Fourth of July, and Have Your Burger Well Done

Growing up in South Carolina, Independence Day was fraught with danger. Most years we spent the holiday at my Aunt Debbie’s timeshare condo in Myrtle Beach. The condo was on a golf course, and my brothers and I spent the days scavenging balls from the ponds and dodging errant shots from our would-be customers. We … Continued

CFAnews Update – June 29, 2021

Groups Support the Used Car Safety Recall Repair Act CFA has joined with 14 other public interest, legal services, financial reform, and safety organizations in supporting legislation to place regulations on car dealers who fail to complete free repairs to fix deadly safety recall defects before selling used cars to used car buyers at retail. … Continued

Not Ready to Eat Gmo Animals? Then You Might Not Want to Order the Salmon

Recently, I did something I had not done in a long time. I ate in a restaurant with my family. Actually, we ate on the outdoor patio, since my kids are too young to be vaccinated and we are somewhat more squeamish than average about COVID, but it was nevertheless a refreshing return to normality … Continued

CFAnews Update – May 28, 2021

Senate Votes to Overturn “Fake Lender” Rule With a 52-47 bipartisan vote in the Senate earlier this month, Congress moved one step closer to over-turning the Office of Comptroller of the Currency’s anti-consumer “fake lender” rule, which allows predatory lenders to evade state interest rate laws simply by putting a bank’s name on the paperwork. … Continued

CFAnews Update – May 3, 2021

AGs Call for Repeal of OCC’s “True Lender” Rule A bipartisan group of 25 state Attorneys General sent a letter to congressional leadership last month urging Congress to use the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to rescind the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency’s “true lender” rule in order to “safeguard states’ fundamental sovereign rights … Continued

Florida’s Privacy Bill Needs Teeth Back or It’s ‘Protections’ Are Meaningless

Lawmakers in Florida and around the country are considering bills to protect your privacy. We support these efforts and have been working to make sure these laws provide meaningful privacy protections. But a privacy law only works if it can be enforced. While government enforcement is essential, today’s scope of data collection is simply too … Continued

CFAnews Update – April 16, 2021

Anti-Consumer Financial Rules Face CRA Challenge Just days before the April deadline for Congressional Review Act challenges, members of Congress filed resolutions to overturn two harmful financial regulations adopted at the end of the previous administration – the Office of Comptroller of the Currency’s (OCC) “true lender” rule and amendments to the rules governing shareholder … Continued

When the Truth is Misleading

When are literally truthful claims nevertheless misleading? One example is the subject of a recent letter that CFA and the Center for Science in the Public Interest sent to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The letter asks FDA to enforce deceptive advertising rules against Molson Coors for its Vizzy advertising campaign. Vizzy is a … Continued