Children's Products

The 4th Anniversary of Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act

The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) was signed into law on August 14, 2008.  This critical new law makes consumer products safer by requiring that toys and infant products be tested to mandatory standards before they are sold, and by practically eliminated lead and banning phthalates in children’s products. The law also creates the first comprehensive publicly accessible consumer incident database –, gives the CPSC the resources it needs to protect the public, increase civil penalties that CPSC can assess against violators of CPSC laws, and  protects whistleblowers who report product safety defects.  The CPSIA includes the most significant improvements of the Consumer Product Safety Commission since the agency was established in the 1970’s.

Marking the fourth anniversary of the passage of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act, CFA is releasing a series of fact sheets designed to help inform consumers to the positive impact the CPSIA has had on making families safer over the past four years:

  • The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act Fact Sheet, 08/13/12. (PDF)
  • Section 104 of the CPSIA— Improved Safety Standards for Infant and Toddler Products, 08/13/12. (PDF)
  • The Consumer Product Incident Database—, 08/13/12. (PDF)
  • CPSIA and Lead Fact Sheet, 08/13/12. (PDF)