
Statement of Dr. Mark Cooper in Response to Obama’s Speech on America’s Energy Security

Washington, D.C. – In response to President Obama’s speech today on America’s energy security at Georgetown University, Dr. Mark Cooper, Director of Research for the Consumer Federation of America (CFA), said:

“Gasoline consumption is one of the most critical challenges facing middle class American’s according to our latest poll released earlier this month (put a live link to the report on the CFA website). Ninety-three percent (93%) of household with incomes between $25,000 and $75,000 expressed concern about gasoline prices. This should not be surprising with average annual gasoline costs expected to exceed $2,800, the highest level ever. Today for most households gasoline costs exceed the monthly cost of car payment.

The Obama Administration has the opportunity to dramatically influence U.S. oil consumption and its effect on the average American by setting higher fuel economy standards for cars and trucks.

CFA has found that a standard of 60 miles per gallon by 2025 is a sweet spot for policy (link here), delivering significant consumer savings and enjoying widespread public support with 70% percent of middle class households expressing support.

If Obama chooses to make that commitment, his Administration could save consumers and our economy hundreds of billions of dollars and fundamentally alter the trajectory of gasoline consumption in the U.S., a goal that that the past six presidents have embraced, but failed to achieve.”

Mark Cooper is the Director of Research for the Consumer Federation of America and holds a Ph.D. from Yale University and is a former Yale University and Fulbright Fellow. He is a Fellow at the Stanford Law School Center for Internet and Society and a Fellow at The Donald McGannon Communications Center of Fordham University. CFA is an association of over 300 non-profit consumer organizations that was established to advance the consumer interest through research, advocacy, and education.

To schedule an interview Mark Cooper please contact Christina Haro at 415-453-0430 or