
CFA’s Jack Gillis Available for California Media Interviews on Proposed New 54.5 MPG Fuel Economy Standard

National consumer expert to testify at San Francisco hearing on consumer impact of the standard, consumer demand for fuel efficient vehicles, and why car dealers are wrong to say they can’t sell fuel efficient vehicles.

San Francisco, CA – Jack Gillis, Consumer Federation of America’s (CFA) Director of Public Affairs, auto expert, and author of The Car Book, will be attending two hearings in California this week to support standards that would bring consumers across the nation cleaner more fuel efficient cars, trucks and SUVs.

On Tuesday, Jan. 24th in San Francisco, Gillis will testify in support of proposed rules to increase passenger vehicle fuel economy standards to 54.5 mpg by the year 2025 at a joint Environmental Protection Agency and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration public hearing.

“With support from both consumer groups and car makers, the vociferous opposition of the auto dealers to this gas saving proposal is bizarre,” said Gillis.  “Car dealers have been ‘up-selling’ consumers expensive, yet often worthless, options for years, but now they are saying they can’t sell consumers a benefit that will lower the cost of driving the minute they drive off the lot.  The consumer benefits of the new standard are enormous.  Consumers will be ‘cash-positive,’ right from the first month of ownership—even with the increased cost of new technology.”

On Thursday, Jan. 26th in Los Angeles, the California Air Resources Board will be voting to update its groundbreaking Advanced Clean Cars Program aimed at boosting production of zero emissions vehicles, reducing harmful smog pollution and bringing alternative fuel stations to the state.  In advance of the vote, Gillis will testify to the program’s consumer benefits.

“California has been a catalyst for advanced engine technologies,” said Gillis. “Consumer’s now have more vehicle choices such as plug-in vehicles and hybrids because of California’s, and over a dozen other states’, commitment to making cars that pollute less.”


January 24, 2012

Start Time: 10:00 AM PT

Hyatt at Fisherman’s Wharf, 555 North Point Street, San Francisco, CA 94133

CARB Hearing

January 26, 2012

Start Time: 9:00 AM PT

Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, Board Room, 700 North Alameda Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012

To schedule an interview with Jack Gillis at the hearings, by phone, or in-person please contact either Christina Haro (California) at (415) 453-0430 and or Julia Redmon (Washington, DC) at (202) 737-0766 and

To read CFA’s previous statement by Dr. Mark Cooper before the Joint NHTSA-EPA Hearings on Fuel Economy Standards for 2017-2025 in Philadelphia and Detroit, go to:

CFA’s statement before CARB, will be available at, just prior to the hearing on Thursday.

To read more about CFA’s new pocketbook analysis, go to:

Contact: Julia Redmon, 202-737-0766 in DC, Christina Haro, 415-453-0430 in CA

The Consumer Federation of America is an association of nearly 280 nonprofit consumer organizations that was established in 1968 to advance the consumer interest through research, advocacy, and education.