
CFA Applauds Obama Administration on New Fuel Economy Standards

A Giant Step Forward in Reducing Our “Addiction to Oil”

Washington, D.C. – Today, the President unveiled a new plan to raise fuel efficiency standards for cars and light trucks that is “the single most important step to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.”  The new proposal of 54.5 mpg by 2025 ensures U.S. car companies will be competitive in the U.S. and globally and nearly doubles the fuel economy of new vehicles between 2008 and 2025.  The long‐term approach is sensible, achievable, and allows for a gradual adjustment by automakers and consumers.

Jack Gillis, Consumer Federation of America’s Public Affairs Director and author of The Car Book said, “The President has taken a giant step in reducing the burden of rising gas costs on the American family, reducing our dependence on foreign oil, and keeping the U.S. car companies competitive. President Obama demonstrated an uncanny ability to bring together consumer advocates, car companies, unions and environmentalists to responsibly address America’s energy challenges.”

Mark Cooper, Consumer Federation of America’s Research Director, said, “Hard, good faith bargaining has produced a program that is very good for consumers and the auto industry. By sticking to the steady, 5% improvement scenario, the program will deliver the biggest bang for the buck in the types of vehicles – cars – that consumers are most likely to purchase.  At the same time, the program provides incentives to meet the more difficult challenges in transforming the vehicle fleet – getting hybrid engines into pickup trucks and promoting electric vehicles.”