
Top Consumer Experts Call on EPA to Grant California Clean Car Waiver

Consumer Federation of America Testifies at EPA Hearing in Support of California’s Advanced Clean Car Program

Washington D.C. — Today, experts representing one of the nation’s leading consumer groups, the Consumer Federation of America (CFA), are testifying before the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) about the consumer and economic benefits of California’s Advanced Clean Cars Program. Today’s hearing comes in response to California’s request to the EPA to implement the groundbreaking program, designed to cut vehicle emissions that contribute to smog, soot and greenhouse gases.

Earlier this year, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) voted to adopt the program, which will increase the number of zero emissions vehicles on California roads as well as strengthen greenhouse gas emissions standards for cars and light trucks. Now, the EPA must green light the program in order for California to move forward.

Dr. Mark Cooper, Director of Research for CFA, will testify that the state’s emissions standards, which complement the federal fuel economy standards and are identical to federal emissions standards for passenger vehicles, would benefit California and the nation:

CFA believes that the direction set by California and the states that follow its lead is a wonderful example of American federalism at its best.  California’s Clean Cars Program has helped to set us on a path that will improve the performance of light duty vehicles (cars and trucks) by a greater amount in a shorter time period than ever accomplished in U.S. history.

The full testimony of Dr. Mark Cooper is available online here.

Jack Gillis, Director of Public Affairs for CFA and the author of The Car Book, also testified in favor of the program:

Stronger emission standards also mean greater fuel efficiency.  One of the great benefits of cleaner cars is lower gasoline costs. California’s ability to set these strong standards is vitally important to the advancement of the auto industry and for meeting consumer demand for cleaner more efficient cars in states across the nation. In practice, tailpipe emissions standards encourage both the development of cars that go farther on a gallon of gas and alternatively-fueled vehicles. The result is cleaner, more efficient cars that help reduce America’s vulnerability to oil and gasoline price shocks.

The full testimony of Jack Gillis is online here.

To schedule an interview with Dr. Mark Cooper or Jack Gillis please contact Christina Haro at 415-453-0430,


Christina Haro, 415-453-0430

The Consumer Federation of America is an association of nearly 300 nonprofit consumer organizations that was established in 1968 to advance the consumer interest through research, advocacy, and education.