Home Energy

March 1, 2019: CFA Support Letter to the New Mexico State Legislature in Support of SB 136

“CFA has long supported cost-effective energy and water efficiency appliance standards because of the tremendous consumer benefits they provide. These standards strengthen the minimum energy- and water-saving requirements of home appliances and electronics in order to save consumers money and energy on their utility bills; save water; reduce air pollution from electricity generation; mitigate the risk of electric shortages and blackouts; and drive down utility costs by avoiding the need for costly and unnecessary electric grid investments.

Utility energy efficiency programs play an important role in helping to spur the adoption of these cost-saving standards. They help drive the leading edge of technologies and make efficient products more widely available and accessible, especially among those residential and business consumers who are “hardest to reach.” Thus, state policies like the Efficient Use of Energy Act, which ensure the availability of utility energy efficiency programs, are a critical component for realizing the $2.4 trillion in utility bill savings that will be saved nationally thanks to the implementation of appliance standards through 2035. 1 For New Mexico alone, the net present value of these savings is $13.2 billion.”

CFA Letter in support of SB 136 in the New Mexico State legislature