
CFA Urges Advancement of California Location Data Privacy Bill

Today, CFA submitted a letter to the California Assembly Privacy and Consumer Protection Committee as well as California Assembly Judiciary Committee in support of AB1355, The California Location Privacy Act of 2025.

Location data is among our most sensitive information; it can expose sensitive information such as medical conditions, sexual orientation, political activities, and religious beliefs. When collected across time, this information can reveal every aspect of a consumer’s life. Now more than ever it is imperative we protect the privacy rights of our communities, especially with increased attacks targeting our immigrant, Black, and Brown community members, and individuals seeking health services, such as reproductive health and gender-affirming care. California must take bold action to ensure consumers are protected and their location information is secure. The California Location Privacy Act will address these issues, safeguard the privacy of Californians by ensuring location information is secure and not sold to the highest bidder. AB 1355 will ban the sale of location data of anyone in California. AB 1355 will also ban entities from collecting, using, or storing location information of an individual unless doing so is necessary to provide goods or services requested by that individual and the individual has expressly opted into the collected or use of their location information for that purpose.

CFA Support AB1355