
Mass Deregulation of Media Threatens to Undermine Democracy

Yesterday the FCC declared a free fire zone for media mergers.

Under the old rules,

  • no TV-Newspaper mergers were allowed, except where a firm was failing;
  • TV duopolies were allowed in about 60 markets that covered about two-thirds of the nation; • Every merger was subject to a rigorous public interest review. Under the new rules,
  • TV-newspaper mergers will be allowed in about 200 markets, in which about 98 percent of the American people live.
  • TV duopolies and even triopolies will be allowed in over 160 markets covering over 95 percent of the population.
  • There will be absolutely no public interest review of mergers.

Ironically, the ruling gives the broadcast industry the right to seek a waiver and show that a merger is in the public interest outside of the free-fire zone. However, the public has no right to challenge mergers and show they are not in the public interest inside the free-fire zone. The rule completely favors the industry, at the expense of the public.

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