
Consumer Federation of America Applauds Congressman Johnson’s APPS Act

Bill is an Important Step in Protection Consumers’ Privacy

Washington, D.C. – Susan Grant, CFA’s Director of Consumer Protection, issued the following statement in regards to the Apps Act:

Millions of consumers are using mobile applications for a host of activities, some very personal, and yet they lack basic rights with respect to the data that may be collected about them. The Apps Act of 2013 (H.R. 1913), sponsored by Georgia Congressman Hank Johnson, takes a common-sense approach to this urgent problem.  By requiring app developers to give consumers information about what personal data that is collected, how it is used, with whom it is shared, and how long it is kept, and to obtain their consent, this legislation would ensure that consumers can make truly informed decisions before they download apps. Just as importantly, it would give consumers control over their data if they decide that they no longer wish to use an app.

CFA applauds Representative Johnson for working in an open manner through his website to solicit public input as he developed this legislation. He recognizes that reasonable privacy measures will make consumers more confident about using technology, which will ultimately spur innovation and economic growth.

Consumer Federation of America is an association of nearly 300 non-profit consumer organizations that was established in 1968 to advance the consumer interest through research, education and advocacy.