
CFA (and others) Demand that FCC Protect Broadband User Privacy

Statement of Susan Grant, Director of Consumer Protection and Privacy, Consumer Federation of America

Washington, D.C. – “Today Consumer Federation of America (CFA) joined nearly 60 organizations in a letter to Tom Wheeler, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, urging him to immediately propose new rules to protect the privacy of broadband Internet users. When the FCC reclassified broadband as a telecommunications service last year, it assumed the obligation to ensure that broadband customers have control of their personal information, that it not be used or shared in ways that could have a chilling effect on speech and increase the potential for discriminatory practices, and that it is adequately secure from theft and abuse. By implementing commonsense privacy rules, the FCC would enable consumers to use broadband services with more confidence, knowing that the data that their service providers can collect won’t be used or shared for purposes that they didn’t agree to. Broadband service providers, which have a unique view of customers’ online activities, will also benefit from clear rules about how that information can be used and their responsibility for safeguarding it. The broad spectrum of organizations that signed the letter to Chairman Wheeler demonstrates the strong public support for the FCC to move forward on privacy rules for broadband Internet services.”

The Consumer Federation of America is an association of more than 250 nonprofit consumer organizations that was established in 1968 to advance the consumer interest through research, advocacy, and education.