
Policy Leaders Identify Open Architecture as the Key to Internet’s Broadband Future

New book warns that FCC policy shift jeopardizes innovation and economic growth

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a book released today, leaders in Internet policy and other telecommunications experts explore new, technology-neutral approaches to preserving open communications networks and the freedom of the Internet. Open Architecture as Communications Policy details how network neutrality is imperative for the future of an innovative high-speed Internet, cautioning regulators not to abandon the bedrock principles and telecommunications laws that have made the Internet such a success.

The book, edited by Mark N. Cooper and published by the Center for Internet and Society (CIS) at Stanford Law School, grew out of a forum on Capitol Hill cosponsored by CIS and the Consumer Federation of America.

“The book brings together many of the best minds on the convergence of communications technology and public policy and some of the strongest advocates of open architecture as the underpinning of the success of the Internet,” Cooper said.

“This book is especially relevant now, as the FCC attempts to reverse its long-sanding commitment to ensuring open, nondiscriminatory interconnection and carriage of data services on the nation’s telecommunications networks. Open architecture at the heart of the Internet and telecommunications networks created an environment for dynamic innovation and the widespread adoption of the Internet.

“With two cases pending Supreme Court review, a dozen proceedings ongoing at the FCC, and talk of a rewrite of the 1996 Telecom Act in the air, the future architecture of the Internet hangs in the balance. It is critical for policy makers to have a full appreciation for the importance of principles of open architecture as public policy.”

The book combines several classic works on open architecture and public policy with new essays and empirical studies from John W. Butler, Vinton G. Cerf, Earl W. Comstock, Mark N. Cooper, Michael J. Copps, Robert E. Kahn, Mark A. Lemley, Lawrence Lessig, Richard S. Whitt, and Timothy Wu.

The book is available for download at no charge under a creative commons license at:

Requests for Open Architecture as Communications Policy can be sent to Mark Cooper at

Contacts:Mark Cooper, Director of Research, 301-384-2204