Ag Policy/Food Prices

CFA Statement on the New California Senate Committee on Food and Agriculture

“Consumer Federation of America applauds Senators Steinberg and Florez. They have sent a clear message that the California Senate will, henceforth, open its doors and minds to the concerns of those who eat food as well as those who produce it.

“Names are important. Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey, who served on the U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee said, ‘in real life, unlike in Shakespeare, the sweetness of the rose does depend upon the name it bears.’

“This name change is a sweet victory for California consumers.  However, now California voters must follow up by persuading Senators who share this more comprehensive view of food and agriculture policy to join the new committee and persuade them to give the same intense attention to creating policies that protect food safety, provide good nutrition, work for improved food assistance and sensitive animal welfare policies that representatives of production agriculture have always invested in shaping state policies.”