Food & Agriculture

CFA Statement on Cloture Vote for FDA Food Safety Modernization Act

Consumer Federation of America applauded today the U.S. Senate vote to invoke cloture so that the Senate can consider and pass the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (S. 510).  The Senate voted 74 to 25 to begin debate on the bill.

510 is vitally important legislation. It provides the Food and Drug Administration specific legal authority and appropriate tools to prevent foodborne illness rather than waiting and reacting only after people have gotten sick or died. Tens of millions of people get sick and thousands die each year because they ate contaminated food from both domestic and imported stocks. S. 510 requires companies to take steps to prevent problems that could cause contamination and illness. It also requires the FDA to inspect food processing plants on a more frequent basis and improves oversight of imported food.

Additionally, CFA is pleased that agreement has been reached on the Tester/Hagen amendment. Now, it is critical to move as soon as possible to a final vote to pass this important legislation and send a final bill to the President for his signature.