Food & Agriculture

CFA Praises Cloned Food Labeling Act

Members of Consumer Federation of America and millions of other Americans are grateful to Senator Barbara A. Mikulski for introducing the Cloned Food Labeling Act.

This bill is an appropriate response to the Food and Drug Administration’s efforts to force meat and milk from cloned animals down the throats of unwilling American consumers.  Independent opinion research studies have shown that a substantial majority of Americans believe it is immoral to clone animals.  Over sixty percent of Americans say they won’t eat cloned food, even if the FDA says it is safe.

The FDA has gone astray, insisting that, any time they say a food is safe, consumers are obligated to eat it. Compounding this arrogance, the FDA intends to allow the cloning industry to foist these foods on the public through stealth and secrecy. Senator Mikulski’s bill puts consumers in charge of their food dollars.