Food & Agriculture

CFA Applauds Senator Kohl for Substantially Increasing FDA Funding

Consumer Federation of America today applauded Senator Herb Kohl (D-WI) for increasing funding for the Food and Drug Administration by $275 million in the Senate version of the emergency supplemental appropriations bill. This funding would include $125 million for food safety activities.

“Senator Kohl’s action today is a tremendous step forward in assuring the FDA has the funds it needs to do its job,” said Chris Waldrop, Director of the Food Policy Institute at Consumer Federation of America. “We greatly appreciate the Senator’s leadership and willingness to invest in the FDA.”

Funding for the FDA has not kept pace with the Agency’s responsibilities over the years. As a result, the FDA is in dire straights and is unable to carry out its mission to protect the public. The FDA Science Board’s Subcommittee on Science and Technology flatly stated in its November 2007 report that the FDA “does not have the capacity to assure the safety of the food supply for the nation.” The Subcommittee identified a lack of resources as being a key contributor.

“Consumers expect and deserve a strong, capable FDA,” Waldrop said. “But without sufficient resources, the Agency will continue to hobble along, unable to adequately protect consumers.”