Food & Agriculture

CFA Applauds Passage of Food Safety Enhancement Act

Urges Swift Passage in House and Senate

Congress took a major step forward today to improve the safety of the American food supply. The House Energy and Commerce Committee unanimously approved a comprehensive bipartisan bill that, if approved by the full House and Senate, would go far toward reducing the toll of foodborne illness in the United States. This bill, for the first time in history, specifically directs the Food and Drug Administration to take steps to prevent foodborne illness and assigns resources to begin the job. The bill would make food safety a primary focus of the FDA, not an afterthought as it has been for so long. While there remain a few provisions that CFA would like to see strengthened, the bill provides a strong framework for the future.

We urge Speaker Pelosi to schedule a floor vote before the August recess and for the Senate to use this model to move forward. American consumers need a new strong law this year – before even more people suffer from foodborne disease.

CFA commends Chairman Waxman, Chairman Pallone, Chairman Stupak, and Chairman Emeritus Dingell for their leadership in developing this bipartisan legislation. CFA also commends Representatives Eshoo, Schakowsky and DeGette for their years of efforts on food safety that helped bring us to this point.