Food & Agriculture

CFA Applauds House Vote on FDA Food Safety Modernization Act

Consumer Federation of America applauded today the U.S. House of Representative’s vote to pass the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, which was considered as part of the Continuing Resolution, H.R 3082.  The House passed H.R. 3082 by a vote of 212 to 206.

The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act would provide the Food and Drug Administration specific legal authority and appropriate tools to prevent foodborne illness rather than waiting and reacting only after people have gotten sick or died.  Tens of millions of people get sick and thousands die each year because they ate contaminated food from both domestic and imported foods. S. 510 requires companies to take steps to prevent problems that could cause contamination and illness. It also sets produce safety standards for farms; requires the FDA to inspect food processing plants on a more frequent basis; and improves oversight of imported food.

The Senate must now vote again on the bill before it is sent to the President for his signature. The Senate previously voted in support of the bill by a vote of 73-25. We urge the Senate to move quickly to pass this important legislation.