Food & Agriculture

Consumer Federation of America Announces Coalition for a Stronger FDA

Diverse Coalition Committed to Increasing Resources for FDA

Washington, DC – The Consumer Federation of America today announced its participation in a broad-based coalition of consumer advocates, public health advocates, patient groups, trade associations and companies dedicated to increasing resources for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  The Coalition for a Stronger FDA has come together to work with the Administration and Congress to ensure that the FDA has the resources it needs to protect the public health.

“Funding for the FDA has been gradually eroded over the past several years and the cracks are starting to show,” said Chris Waldrop, Deputy Director for the Food Policy Institute at Consumer Federation of America.

While the recent E. coli O157:H7 outbreak linked to spinach has highlighted the need for increased FDA resources to protect the public from food borne illness, food safety is not the only concern.  The FDA regulates a vast array of consumer products and oversees numerous public health initiatives.  Without adequate funding, the Agency is unable to meet these responsibilities, putting consumers at undue risk.

The Coalition for a Stronger FDA has two main goals: 1) to ensure that the FDA has sufficient resources to protect consumers and patients and 2) to maintain public confidence and trust in the FDA.

“Consumers depend on the FDA to ensure the safety of the food they eat, the drugs they take, and the cosmetics and medical devices they use,” Waldrop said.  “It is absolutely essential that FDA have the resources it needs to meet these obligations.”