Food & Agriculture

CFA Statement on New USDA Framework for Animal Traceability

Today’s announcement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture that it will develop a new framework for animal identification and traceability is a welcome break from previous attempts to develop a National Animal Identification System.  Earlier efforts had become unworkable due to ineffective planning, poor implementation and strong opposition among some producers.  Consumer Federation of America is encouraged by USDA’s deliberate approach and by the Department’s willingness to engage all stakeholders in a public process to develop an effective national animal traceability system.

However, a state-by-state approach as outlined today by Secretary Vilsack will be a difficult system to implement and administer effectively. It is unclear how differing state approaches and uses of varied technologies can be effectively linked together into an integrated system.  In addition, states will still need to assure the federal government that they can quickly identify animals within their state in the event of a disease outbreak.