Food & Agriculture

CFA Applauds Final House Passage of FDA Food Safety Legislation; Sends Bill to the President

Consumer Federation of America today applauded the U.S. House of Representatives’ final passage of the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act. The Senate approved the bill by unanimous consent on Sunday night, sending it to the House for a final vote.  The bill will now be sent to President Obama to be signed into law.

Carol Tucker-Foreman, Consumer Federation of America’s distinguished fellow in food policy said, “The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act is a limited but important step toward the goal of reducing and preventing foodborne illness. We will do everything we can to assure that it is fully implemented by the Food and Drug Administration and we will return to Congress to seek improvements if those prove necessary. We are grateful to the Congress for continuing to work on it right up to the end of the session.”

Chris Waldrop, director of CFA’s Food Policy Institute said, “Passage of this legislation has been critical to providing the FDA with the tools and authorities necessary to better protect consumers from foodborne illness. Importantly, this bill requires a fundamental shift in the FDA’s food safety program from reacting to illnesses and deaths to preventing them in the first place.”

The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act specifically directs the FDA to prevent foodborne illness and requires the agency, food processors and produce farmers to identify areas of risk and act to prevent contamination. The bill requires the FDA to inspect food processing plants on a more frequent basis; requires the FDA to assure that imported food is as safe as domestically produced food; and provides the agency with mandatory recall authority.

Consumer Federation of America appreciates the strong leadership of the House and Senate members whose tireless commitment and persistence led to the bill’s final passage. CFA thanks House leaders Henry Waxman, John Dingell, Rosa DeLauro, Bart Stupak and Frank Pallone as well as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, for their dedication in assuring final passage of this important bill.  CFA thanks Senate sponsors Richard Durbin, Tom Harkin, Christopher Dodd, Michael Enzi, Judd Gregg and Richard Burr, and their colleagues on the HELP committee, as well as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, for their determination to get the bill passed.