Consumer Protection

Six National Groups Join Together for First-Ever Consumer Agenda

A Six-Point Consumer Agenda To Close Growing Gaps In Marketplace Protections

Consumer Federation of America — Consumers Union — National Association of Consumer Advocates National Consumer Law Center — Public Citizen — U.S. Public Interest Research Group

  1. Prohibit Oil and Gasoline Price Gouging and Increase Automobile Fuel Economy: Stop industry mergers that increase oil and gas prices by diminishing competition, and further save consumers money and reduce pollution by raising fuel economy standards on cars, sport utility vehicles (SUVs) and other light trucks.
  2. Preserve Consumers’ Legal Remedies: Oppose efforts undermining consumers’ access to justice. Remove limits on HMO accountability to patients and do not impose restrictions on victims of medical malpractice. Ban the use of mandatory arbitration clauses in consumer contracts and oppose limits on consumers’ ability to bring class action lawsuits.
  3. Protect Consumers from Abusive and Predatory Lending: Limit unfair mortgage, credit card and personal loan practices that put vulnerable consumers at risk of default and bankruptcy.
  4. Make Health Care More Affordable: Immediately expand health coverage to all children and lower-income adults. Fix the new Medicare law to allow the government to negotiate lower drug prices, and the private sector to import lower-cost drugs from abroad.
  5. Protect the Privacy of Sensitive Personal Information: Require both financial companies and Internet sites to protect our confidential information, while preserving the right of states to enact stronger laws. 6. Ensure Our Food is Safe to Eat. Require USDA to set and enforce limits on food-borne pathogens. Give USDA authority to mandate recall of tainted meat. Assure controls to protect both human and animal health from “Mad Cow” disease.
  6. Ensure Our Food is Safe to Eat. Require USDA to set and enforce limits on food-borne pathogens. Give USDA authority to mandate recall of tainted meat. Assure controls to protect both human and animal health from “Mad Cow” disease.