
FCC’S Wheeler Proposal for Broadband Privacy Good for Consumers

Statement of Susan Grant, CFA’s Director of Consumer Protection

Washington, D.C. — We support Federal Communication Commission Chairman Wheeler’s proposal for broadband privacy rules. Given the vast amount of personal information that internet service providers can and do collect about their customers’ online activities and their clear intention to monetize that data, this proposal is timely and critical. We hope that the final rules will require customer’ affirmative consent before ISPs can use information such as geolocation, web browsing history, app usage history and other sensitive data.

The FCC has a mandate to protect the privacy and security of our communications. Those who claim that the current state of privacy protection in the U.S. is acceptable do not speak for consumers. Consumers are rightly concerned about the data that is collected about them, how it is used and their inability to control its use. The FCC’s proposal is a crucial step forward in providing Americans the privacy and security they demand.

Contact: Susan Grant, 202-939-1003

The Consumer Federation of America is a national organization of more than 250 nonprofit consumer groups that was founded in 1968 to advance the consumer interest through research, advocacy, and education.