
CFA Calls on Senate Judiciary Committee to Oppose Requiring Reporting of Online Terrorist Activity Act

The Requiring Reporting of Online Terrorist Activity Act (RROTA Act) would require all providers of Internet communications services to report to government authorities when they obtain “actual knowledge” of apparent “terrorist activity” on their services – a broad term that could encompass both speech and conduct. Unfortunately, the RROTA Act would create strong incentives for providers to over-report on the activity and communications of their users, in order to avoid violating the law. This proposal risks bringing wholly innocent people under the scrutiny of the U.S. government in a procedure that includes no limits on the use of the reported information and no safeguards against abuse. The RROTA Act’s reporting requirement threatens individuals’ constitutional rights to privacy and freedom of expression and would burden U.S.-based providers without providing a clear benefit to law enforcement. For these reasons, CFA urges the Senate Judiciary Committee to reject this flawed proposal.