8 CONSUMER FEDERATION OF AMERICA 2018 ANNUAL REPORT Insurance Commissioners, and support for a more investor-friendly alternative from New York, governing annuities recommendations. In addition, CFA testified and commented in support of pro-investor fiduciary rules in New Jersey and Maryland. By the end of the year, the issue remained unresolved. Privacy: CFA continued to advocate for improved privacy protections for consumers at the state and federal level. At the state level, we supported the enactment of the California Consumer Privacy Protection Act, then worked with other consumer and privacy organizations to support new legislation that would strengthen the statute and to oppose bills that would weaken it. We also advocated for passage of a new law in Vermont regulating data brokers. At the federal level, CFA provided comments to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, the Federal Trade Commission, and the Consumer Product Safety Commission on privacy-related issues. We joined with other groups to develop principles for federal privacy legislation that would provide strong protections for consumers while allowing states to continue to enact their own data protection measures and promoted those principles in the media and with policymakers. Product Safety: CFA continued to lead efforts on both broad and product- specific safety issues. We worked closely with a public interest coalition to oppose so-called “regulatory reform” measures that would thwart the ability of the Consumer Product Safety Commission and other federal agencies to protect the public, and we opposed policy riders on appropriations bills limiting the CPSC’s ability to protect the public. We also increased our leadership role in the Coalition for Sensible Safeguards, becoming Co-Chairs of the coalition. CFA also joined with other consumer groups to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act, highlighting the many ways that the law has made people safer. A major focus or our product-specific worked involved all- terrain vehicle safety, where we continued our work leading a coalition formed by CFA to oppose the use of ATVs on public roads. Our efforts included sending 60