2018 ANNUAL REPORT 5 2018 ANNUAL REPORT inspection. We worked with congressional allies to ensure that the 2018 Farm Bill did not weaken food safety standards and to defeat legislative proposals to expand sales of state-inspected meat and raw milk across state lines. We met with Food and Drug Administration leaders frequently to discuss the agency’s implementation of the Food Safety Modernization Act, improving trace back and other reforms in response to large-scale foodborne illness outbreaks, and the agency’s initiatives to monitor and reduce antibiotic use on farms. We also met regularly with the Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety Inspection Service, successfully advocating for an expansion of the agency’s testing for shiga-toxin producing E.coli in ground beef, and we published a report on the obstacles to reducing Salmonella infections caused by contaminated meat and poultry and potential reforms that regulators may pursue to improve public health. Housing: Despite scant movement toward resolution of the mortgage finance system more than 10 years after Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were put into conservatorship, CFA continued its high profile advocacy for broad access in any revised system for lenders of all sizes and charter types and for low and moderate income consumers and communities of color. CFA published analyses of Senate and House legislation as well as an Administration outline for reform and participated in a working group of industry and consumer representatives to respond to a series of questions on reform from the Administration. In addition to its work on mortgage finance reform, CFA continued its work with National Consumer Law Center and others to adopt appropriate consumer protections in state-authorized PACE loan programs; met with Administration officials about potential changes to regulations governing Community Reinvestment Act obligations and submitted substantial comments criticizing the proposal; submitted comments on two FHFA