2018 ANNUAL REPORT 13 2018 ANNUAL REPORT brochure. The survey was widely reported on by news media. A special effort was also made to inform consumers on the best ways to increase their credit scores. Energy Efficiency: With continued support from the Energy Foundation, we conducted a public opinion poll on attitudes toward the Administration’s proposal to roll back the fuel economy standards for cars and light duty trucks. To counter claims by the Administration, we analyzed the relationship between increased vehicle fuel efficiency and safety, vehicle cost, fleet turnover, and sales and issued a report. CFA promoted Energy Efficiency Day, providing money saving tips and released the results of our survey showing support for appliance efficiency standards. We also provided the tips to our state and local groups as well as social media tools for use with their networks. High-Cost Credit: As part of a larger advocacy effort, we continued to update information on state payday and car title lending laws, with funding from the Ford Foundation. Life Insurance Rate of Return Services: CFA’s life insurance actuary analyzed cash value life insurance policies, including rates of return, for individual consumers. Military Saves: With support from FINRA Investor Education Foundation, USAA Educational Foundation, and Wells Fargo, CFA continued to work closely with installations throughout the country and abroad to promote savings among service members. Over 300 installations representing all four branches, plus Air and Army National Guard, Reserve Corps, and Coast Guard participated in the year-long effort. They were supported by defense credit unions, military banks, banking liaison officers, and nonprofit service organizations. This year a dedicated effort was made to align with the 11 guiding principles identified by the Department of Defense to support financial preparedness. This included offering bases the opportunity to conduct Military Saves Week during the month of April, which is designated as Financial Capability Month by the Federal Government. Over 20,000 services members made a pledge to save during Military Saves Week,