4 CONSUMER FEDERATION OF AMERICA 2018 ANNUAL REPORT supported the California Energy Commission’s proposal on lighting efficiency standards; and sent letters of support for state appliance efficiency standards to legislators in Washington and Hawaii. We promoted Energy Efficiency Day to our state and local groups and the media in October and released the results of our survey showing that the public supports energy efficiency standards for appliances and electronics. Energy—Motor Vehicle Fuel Efficiency: CFA continued to be a leading consumer voice in defending and promoting greater energy efficiency for motor vehicles and appliances, emphasizing the cost savings to consumers that energy efficiency delivers. Much of our work focused on the Trump Administration’s rollback of existing fuel economy standards for cars and light duty trucks. We issued reports and aggressively promoted messages in support of the standards, met with Office of Management and Budget staff to oppose the effort, and became a party to the lawsuit filed by the California Attorney General and 17 other jurisdictions challenging the Environmental Protection Agency’s action. Once the rollback proposal was issued by EPA and NHTSA, we engaged CFA member organizations in key states to highlight public support for the standards and to convey the negative impacts of the rollback in their respective states to local policymakers and media, we and member groups testified at field hearings, and CFA and allies filed extensive comments with the agencies highlighting the consumer harm that would result. In addition to our efforts to oppose the fuel economy standards rollback, we submitted a statement to the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission supporting the state becoming a ‘clean cars’ state, we continued our support of electric vehicles (EVs), and joined the Transportation Electrification Accord, a group of industry, consumer and environmental groups pushing for electrification throughout the transportation sector. Food and Agriculture: CFA worked with other consumer and public health groups to call attention to the potential food safety impacts of the Trump Administration’s deregulation agenda, particularly as it relates to meat and poultry