2018 ANNUAL REPORT 3 2018 ANNUAL REPORT under FCC jurisdiction. We also continued our efforts to address consumer concerns about robo-calling, telephonic scams, and spoofing. Consumer Credit: CFA continued its unique coordinating role on high-cost lending issues by organizing bi-weekly state advocate calls as well as convening the 15th annual High Cost Lending Summit and the affiliated High Cost Lending lobby day. Seventy-nine people representing seventeen states attended the High Cost Lending Summit. Consumer Lobby Day, which CFA helped to organize, was attended by 143 participants who participated in 215 House and Senate meetings. Financial services advocacy was a primary focus of Consumer Lobby Day. CFA released three reports on critical issues in federal consumer financial policy. A report on discriminatory auto dealer markups exposed Congressional efforts to protect auto dealer profits at the expense of consumers’ rights. A report on CFPB enforcement and supervision helped defeat legislation that would have crippled CFPB’s authority to supervise some of the country’s largest banks. And a report on CFPB’s weak supervision of the Military Lending Act demonstrated the decline in enforcement cases and consumer restitution under the Trump Administration. Consumer Protection: CFA supported passage of a federal identity theft law that enables consumers to freeze their credit reports at no charge. The law provides additional protections for active duty members of the military. CFA was also active on airline passengers’ rights. We worked with other organizations to gain new protections to prevent consumers from being bumped from flights after being seated, from paying for services never received, and from being squeezed into excessively small seats and rows. CFA also worked with other groups to resist the airline industry’s attempts to eliminate many existing passenger protections. Energy—Appliance Efficiency: On the appliance front, we were a party in a successful lawsuit in which the Department of Energy was ordered to issue delayed energy efficiency standards for four products; fought a petition to weaken energy efficiency standards for dishwashers; filed comments with the National Consumer Law Center on an industry petition to weaken efficiency standards for furnaces;