2 CONSUMER FEDERATION OF AMERICA 2018 ANNUAL REPORT Executive Director Major Accomplishments Automobile Safety: CFA continued working alongside other consumer and safety groups in an effort to improve the AV START Act, a controversial bill meant to usher autonomous vehicles into the market. Unfortunately, provisions in the final version of the AV START Act could have led to millions of untested, uncontrollable, and hackable vehicles roaming America’s streets, forcing CFA and other coalition members to work to kill the bill. We also participated in press conferences opposing the attachment of the AV START Act to the FAA re-authorization bill. Our efforts to oppose the bill succeeded. CFA maintained our drive to standardize advanced crash avoidance safety features for all vehicles. In a major victory, CFA member Kids ‘n Cars’ effort to require all vehicles to include a backup camera was finally implemented in May. CFA also supported efforts to limit big-truck driver hours of service and maintain trailer length/weight restrictions. As another devastating hurricane season caused thousands of vehicles to be flooded and then potentially sold to unsuspecting consumers, CFA continued to press for legislation to protect consumers from potentially dangerous flooded vehicles. In addition, we advocated for legislation mandating that vehicles with open recalls be prevented from being sold or rented, submitting comments and issuing press releases and other support statements. Communications: CFA worked with a group of individuals who are suing the FCC for allowing overcharges and cross-subsidies that increase the burden on local telephone ratepayers. The court case is part of a comprehensive critique of the administrative repeal of the Communications Act embodied in a series of orders issued by the FCC. Separately, we continued our efforts on network neutrality, universal service and the privacy of customer proprietary network information Consumer Advocacy