14 CONSUMER FEDERATION OF AMERICA 2018 ANNUAL REPORT and a YouTube Live initiative was launched called MilMoney Matters featuring experts offering tips and saving strategies. The total number of pledges for Military Saves climbed over 300,000. Youth Wealth-Building and Financial Health: America Saves continued to grow the America Saves for Young Workers campaign in 2018 and established the program as a thought-leader on youth financial capability. This initiative seeks to encourage young workers employed by municipal and non-profit jobs programs to utilize direct deposit and save a portion of each paycheck. The America Saves for Young Workers partner programs employed over 140,000 youth in 2018, all of whom were presented with the America Saves pledge through a job application or the ASYW platform and received encouraging messages of saving from their employer. Of those, 22,658 young workers completed the ASYW program and pledged to save $41,333,810. Their top savings goal was education, beating out clothing and shoes for the first time in the program’s history. During the Summer 2018 months alone, Young Workers saved $384,626 in partner financial institutions across the country. Wealth-Building for Lower-Income Households: CFA continued to expand the America Saves campaign initiated in 2001. In 2018, more than 70,000 individuals pledged to save. They did so through 69 local campaigns, 25 communities using the America Saves for Young Workers Program, the new Split to save Program still in its pilot phase with three employers, and visits to the America Saves website. America Saves continued to regularly support over 4,000 organizations with partner resource packets to aid in their leadership and promotion of saving in their communities. America Saves also continued to provide direct support and motivation to over 200,000 individuals on an annual basis though emails, social media, website tools, and text communications. A new organizing strategy was initiated for America Saves Week 2018 that saw 30 invited organizations participate and lead in the planning of the Week, and the daily theme days such as Save the Extra, Save Automatically, and Save as a Family. This planning group also generated evergreen resources associated with the themes that can be used by all in this field. The Week had over 1,700 organizations participate with more than 31,000 people taking the pledge. More than 750 media hits were generated with significant coverage in the Washington Post and Boston Globe.